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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 10. 23rd May 1973

New P.R.G. proposals for real settlement

New P.R.G. proposals for real settlement

At a recent conference of the two Vietnamese parties held in Paris, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of south Viet Nam (P.R.G.) put Forward a six-point proposal which would ensure the complete implementation of the Paris Agreements on Viet Nam. The Saigon regime has consistently tried to circumnavigate the provisions of the Paris Agreements ever since they were signed.

The Saigon regime has tried to rush through a proposal for a general election. Using the three-month time limit for some of the provisions of the agreement it has tried to pressure agreement from the P. R.G. The time limit, however, refers to the return of prisoners and the settling of the internal affairs of south Viet Nam. One of these important internal matters is the formation of a National Council of National Reconciliation and Concord.

It is the task of this Council to bring about national reconciliation and concord, to ensure democratic liberties, and to organise free and democratic elections The Saigon regime has repeatedly tried to bypass this provision. Its latest proposal is an attempt to do away with the Council altogether

The Saigon regime continues to hold hundreds of thousands of political prisoners. It continues to violate democratic liberties and makes no attempt at reconciliation. It has made no attempt to allow the 'third force' to play its pan Under these conditions there' can be no proper elections.

The P. R.G, proposed the following six points:
1.The immediate cessation of all conflicts;
2.The immediate return of all captured civilian personnel;
3.The ensurance of all democratic liberties;
4.The setting up of the National Council;
5.5. Free and democratic general elections; and
6.The settlement of the Vietnamese armed forces question in south Viet Nam.

These' proposals clearly fit into the provisions of the Paris Agreement, and if implemented would ensure the complete observance' of the provisions of the Paris Agreement.

— from the "People's Voice"