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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 10. 23rd May 1973

File Away Shaded Section

File Away Shaded Section

Please refer back to the open diagrams of a warded padlock in this lesson.

In looking at the diagrams, can you see how a key with just one long cut on each side of the blade would be able to open the padlock? Can you see how such a key, with most of the metal cut away would not engage any of the wards? Here's a diagram of it.

Engineering diagram

Drawing of a key

Such a key is called 'Pass Key' or 'Skeleton Key,'. Most locksmiths carry such keys for emergency openings, or for testing a padlock to see whether it is a warded lock or not.

Warded locks are usually the cheaper made locks. Most heavy duty or security padlocks are of the pin and tumbler variety next described. You can usually tell if the lock is a pin and tumbler variety by seeing whether the key hole is round and has a pin in it.