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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 36 No. 15. 1973

Salient Selling Out

Salient Selling Out

Dear Roger and Peter,

I was one of the disappointed many at the "Why I Am Pissed Off With Salient Forum". There were so many criticisms from the right wing and the God Squad about Salient (most of them unjustified) that honest lefties and others, such as me, did not get a chance to attack and smear the reputations of the current editors.

Salient is giving far too much column space to people who could best be described as part of the emerging ruling class, i.e. your average students. It is getting so bad that its hard to find the Marxism—Leninism—Mao Tsetung thought among all the reactionary crap.

Large numbers of articles written from a rabidly left wing point of view have been rejected by yourselves due to lack of space. In fact Roger Steele admitted to me that Salient has been playing down the secterian raving, and has rejected letters that attack class enemies! Certain members of the progressive movement in Wellington are beginning to ask an important question: Is Salient selling out to the impartial, 'giving both points of view'?

We will be eternally vigilant against any creeping liberalism in Salient. Transgressions will be remembered, and, come the revolution, three guesses what will happen.

Fraternally yours,

Clark Kent.