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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 36 No. 15. 1973

Salient or the Dominion

Salient or the Dominion

Dear Sir,

Two faces yelling at each other

With reference to your plans to sell Salients in Wellington — what are you some sort of latent capitalist? Are you not aware as Mr Tripe (symbolism there?) points out in his fascinating letter (June 27) that 'Marxism—Leninism, however, shows the impossibility of using the institutions of the bourgeois state for the purposes of the proleterian state'? If selling papers isn't a capitalist trick what would you call messers Blundell/Gendall — cultural revolutionaries?

On the other hand, possibly your reluctance to perform the 'heroic act of the peoples' revolution' i.e. giving the fucking things away is based on your shrewd appraisal of the fact that 'the masses' of Wellington would probably, like us students, prefer the Dominion: But going by the piss-poor rag you produce, who's fault is that?

Yours sincerely

Doug Wilson

P.S. I'm sorry I spelt Leninism wrong the first time, but it's not a word I use very often — on the other hand, I suppose that considering the number of times I've read the bloody word in Salient in the last three years, you're probably right, the mistake was inexcusable. Fraternally yours, Doug.