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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 16. 12th July 1973

Trots Exploit Students

Trots Exploit Students

Dear Mr Eds,

It has come to my attention that the "Socialist Action League" and the "Young Socialists" cosponsor periodic forums on topics relevant to their political views and aims. Those people who wish to attend these forums are forced to pay an admission fee of $0.40. The rooms used for these functions are booked by the Young Socialists, and they pay nothing at all for the use of these rooms. Since the only costs incurred by the organisers then are the minimal costs of publicity; it would seem that students attending these forums are obliged to make a donation to an organisation whose aims could well be different from their own.

I'm sure this contradicts the Student Association Constitution or the Bill of Human Rights or something, and I would appreciate comment from the organisers.

Yours sincerely,

A. Student

Drawing of a person cowerinf under a cloak