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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, Number 8. April 24 1972

Suara Raayat

Suara Raayat

Dear Sir,

It is evident that the writer of the so-called "Voice of the People" has much prejudice and hatred for the MSA and its members. I suspect an 'ass' in between the association's name. One wonders if it made any difference which ever way the articles were written.

In blatant derogatory and abuse he spews venom and spit. Unfortunately, along with it, comes the spate of his ignorance and infinite immaturity. He laments and criticises, among others, the "Bedtime story" and 'To be or not to be'. I wonder if he had the little cow-brains to understand the simple articles before criticising them. Where basic ideas are concerned, one wonders why the disagreement in agreement when there is so much agreement in disagreement?

One can ask the writer of "Suara Raayat" the following: 1) Is he sure that both the writers failed to see that it is a class rather than a race issue? 2) What does he mean by "promoting the racist line of the Razak government" — in line with the ideas presented in the articles?

3) and "masters of their own land" — with respect to the present political controversy, who does he consider the "owners of the land"? 4) Can he point out specifically where in "Bedtime story", a fantasy satire involving imaginary people, direct reference has been [unclear: mac] to the Chinese and Indians and, dubiously, "insulted them"?

If this sadly misguided and vitriolic person keeps on barking up the wrong tree, he may have, in his conscience, the total annihilation of a common cause.

Sincerely, SLA