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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 18. July 24, 1974

Faint praise

Faint praise

Dear Sir,

Never before have I been so disturbed as whilst reading the letter in your last issue by the President of the White Sport Coat Society. To refer to a varsity forum as a "game" shows little, if any, respect for the idealisms of student politics. Furthermore, I fail to sec any relevencc at all between the situation in the middle-east as compared to that in Turkey in the 1950. Why didn't the writer sign his full name? Perhaps the answer is too obvious to deserve explanation! I would like to put forward the suggestion that such stupid unfounded letters should be ranked alongside all the other unpublished shit which, in your wisdom, you have seen fit not to publish. It is a blessing to know the there are still a few people like the editor of this paper who still have respect for decenty.

Thank you,

D. Esworp
