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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

The dangers of trivia

The dangers of trivia

Dear Salient,

I couldn't help noticing over the last two weeks a certain amount of trivia creepong into the letters printed by you. I refer especially to two letters signed by the "White Sports Coat Society" (the President of) and the "Acting Secretary of the Pink Carnation Fan Club". These letters printed on that most sacred of all institutions the letters page of Salient purported to offer a solution to the "Middle East Situation" that was so banal as to be offensive in view of the debate that has been going on recently among genuinely concerned people that I wonder at your selective capabilities. I must however be thankful to your not publishing the latter showing [unclear: coorophiliac] tendencies as the graffiti on the toilet walls around this university is sufficient in itself to offend the aesthetes using them. These letters which on the face of them are humerous and make a welcome change from the usual Marxist propaganda and spiel about the evils of imperialism and capitalism are potentially dangerous in that they may eventually lead to us being inundated with so much crap as to dull our thinking.

P. McDonald