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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

Tablet paranoia

Tablet paranoia

Dear Sir,

An Interesting interview with Robert Put, in Salient No. 18, was welcomed. If there were more people displaying their reaction to injustice instead of disregarding that injustice, there would perhaps be less shit spread saying that the reaction expressing disapproval of the arrest of Khoo, is nothing more than an activist plot.

My disapproval and motivation to rise and write comes from an article, written by the editor in 'The Tablet' July 10.

John Kennedy asks "Have we had the full story?". He doubts it and in the circumstances so do I, However he then launches into an attack on the response to the Imprisonment of Khoo. The concern of students and others is written off as having '....the characterstic of a classic left-wing agitation, directed from Peking."

This sort of attitude is becoming an essential ingredient in 'The Tablet' and it appears that The National Catholic Weekly' is intent on furthering the paranoia that all demonstrations, with an obvious exception) are the platform for the communists. If "propaganda" can describe the publicity given in the Khoo case, then when Mr Kennedy says that a situation has "..arisen in which reasoned discussion is impossible," he has further created the same effect. Worthy of column comment?

J. Croft