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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

International Food Fair

International Food Fair

Dear Sir,

The WMSA committee wishes to thank the following for the fantastic co-operation and support in making the recent International Food Fair such an overwhelming success; —
1)The Students Union Food Management Committee and Cafe Manager for permitting the use of the Cafe and all the cooking facilities;
2)The Fijian Students Association for their co-operation in preparing those exotic curries;
3)Those marvellous Malaysians who helped In the cooking of the various dishes, clearing and washing up of plates etc, and;
4)Alt fellow students and members of the public who turned up in such number to patronise the function.

To all of you who contributed to such a great success we would tike to say thank you very much. A net proceed of about $220 is forwarded to the Intellectually Handicapped Children's Society.

WMSA Executive Committee