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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Volume 38, No 1. March 4, 1975



This Sports page has been started in response to requests made last year. The page is intended to be entertaining and informative on University sports. Sports Clubs affiliated to the Association should supply the stories to Salient.

Despite my efforts to get clubs to contribute material, nothing has arrived so far. It's early in the term yet, but I would ask club officials to get their arses into gear as they may find the next editors of Salient less sympathetic to the idea of a Sports page than the present ones.

As to the way clubs run their affairs, half of last year's affiliated clubs did not even bother to forward a resume of their activities to the Handbook. I have managed to contact seven of these to tell them that they could include this in Salient, but so far only the one below has taken this opportunity.

I would like to emphasise that if you don't make some attempt to publicise your activities then you will probably just fold, as several have done in the last few years. There are some clubs on campus which do excellent publicity jobs with Foyer displays and posters etc., but others make no attempts at all. I would like to appeal here to the many students who have had little or nothing to do with club affairs in the past to go along to your Sports Clubs' AGM, and even stand for Committee. This is one way way to put new life into clubs and will undoubtedly please the many incumbents who often feel they are only doing the job because there is no-one else. These people have often long left university and no longer have their hearts fully into dealing with club affairs.

At present the Students' Association has names and addresses for only five clubs, so in the next couple of weeks I want to compile a list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of at least two people from each club, preferably the club captain and secretary. Would someone from each club please give this information to the Studass office.

In less than a month we have a tournament at Christchurch and I would appreciate those clubs sending down teams giving me a list of names or, if they are not yet available, at least letting me know if your club is planning on competing.

The Wellington City Pipe Band have notified me that they intend organizing a "Strollabout" on March 16th which could help the finances of some of our clubs. The idea is that a student gets a sponsor to to pay for him to walk a certain number of miles, and the money would be split 40-60 between the student's nominated club and the pipe band. If anybody is interested could they leave their names at the Studass office.

Finally, if there are any former members of the Underwater club reading this could they please contact me at the Studass.

Kevin Wright Sports Officer.

Association Football Club

This year the soccer club will be fielding six teams in the local competition grades, providing games for players of all standards. The training sessions are open to all and are conducted under the guidance of the club coach on Monday night at the Boyd-Wilson field and Thursday night at the gymnasium from 6.00-8.00pm. As well as excellent training facilities, the club has the use of the new Kelburn Park pavilion for social functions.

All new players are most welcome and should attend training sessions to make contact with the club. Further information can be obtained from John Reeve (club captain) — ph 555-481 (home) 46-040 ext. 723 (bus) or room E619 in the Easter-field building; or from Hugh Webber, ph 767-284 (home) 49-090 (bus).