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Salient. Victoria University Students Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 2. March 11, 1975

University Committees — The Professorial Board

University Committees

The Professorial Board

The Professorial Board is the place where courses, methods of assessment, timetables, workloads and so on are discussed. The Board has considerable power, and its recommendations to Council on academic matters are rarely rejected. The Council is the supreme policy-making and controlling body of the university with jurisdiction over regulations, degree courses, buildings, finance and so on.

Professorial Board also has disciplinary powers and can 'fine suspend and expel' students who are naughty, as well as control who is admitted to the university.

There are three student representatives of the Board. On Wednesday two of these will be elected: one for a single year term and one for a two-year term. If you are interested, be warned that this is a job that if done properly, will involve a lot of time reading minutes and reports, reporting back to SRC, and of course, attending meetings (once a month, on Thursday mornings, for about three hours). Don't let this put you off though because at best being a Prof Board rep can be a curiously satisfying mixture of hard work, frustration and genuine achievement.