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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 12. June 4 1975

Out of the Salient Mailbox ..

Out of the Salient Mailbox ...

It has been written that out of the mouths of babes and sucklings come wonderous things, and in the case of Tony Ward I couldn't agree more. While some of the less cultured in the university so flagrantly waste their time over trivial things like getting bursaries and living normally, Tony, the one in a million man, with all his flare and talent, reigns over us in SRC. His motto, protect the constitution at all costs. For one day of the week the top cafe is filled with Ward's passionate prose, playing prime politician. But politics are hard to grasp, and while we miserable mortals make misdemeanours. Tony achieves the ultimate, carefully concealed contradiction.

So away you curs who dangerously denote democracy. Dianne Hooper, Kevin Wright your days are numbered. Tremble Tremble, Terrible Tyrannical Tony will vanquish you.

The cry is heard, raise him up, let him speak for no-one else will dare. Caesar's deceased! Well will we mark Anthony who would lend the cars of SRC;

which at the rate he's bloody well going will be a self-appointed committee!

Ross Delaney

NB Tony is just trying loo hard to make demoncracy work and because of this SRC is a dead horse still being flogged.