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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 16. July 9 1975

Army officer gets his

Army officer gets his

Abstract artwork featuring two human faces

Let me get directly to the point without wasting words on the absurdity in 'Lt. Lon Nol Thieu's argument.

1.He seems to think that the problems of Malaysia is caused solely by foreign imperialists. He is only partly right. To get rid of them is part of the process of liberating ourselves from the chains of imperialism. To fully liberate ourselves we must also get rid of the rich and ruling elite of the country who own the remaining 40% of the country's wealth. We must also liberate ourselves from the decadent western ideas at present upheld by our so-called leaders e.g. the promotion of the ideal that the individual should work for himself (selfishness) and indirectly help society; elitism; conspicuous habits of the rich; exploitation of workers and women, playing on the prejudices and suspicious of the peoples of Malaysia and diverting their attention away from the real causes of their sufferings... It is true that these ideas are not unique or peculiar to western society, but they were promoted strongly by former colonial masters to their advantage in exploiting the country.
2.Malaysia will be liberated from the present corrupt regime. But not all the 3000 Malaysians in N.Z. will want to stay in N.Z. as the Lt. Col. (what a fancy grandoise title for himself) thinks they would. There may exist in the wood pile a few Malaysians like those Vietnamese who prefer N.Z. "freedom" to true liberation. But these will most likely be those who prefer the way of life the ruling elite at present leads, and outlined above
3.Lon Nol Thieu is merely attempting to elicit information with his deliberate absurdity In spite of this he is well aware that the liberation forces exist in Malaysia and outside that are now fighting to free the country from people like him. He might ask why countries like N.Z. does not mind entertaining people like the Vietnamese students and enemies of the Vietnames people (the ex-ambassadorial staff) to stay in N.Z.? Is it out of true humanitarian feelings, liberal democratic clap-trap or for anti-communist reasons?

Anti-Jack Boot League