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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 21. September 4 1975



We are told that to obtain the QEII grant, we must run some projects which can be open to the public. This has the advantage of bringing in money from slightly higher public entrance charges, but raises the question of whom should NZSAC serve. Should students put a name to an organisation which allows an outside group to dictate in any way what its activities should be?

Are QEII justified in demanding that NZSAC go beyond its own constituents, and present promotions open to the public, when NZSAC on a national tour can probably reach a larger and more diverse range of people, to more effect, than many other groups are capable of doing? While admitting that public promotions have done a great deal to raise NZSAC prestige, we must ask ourselves whether the public seasons are worth the effort. Would we do better to keep the New Zealand Students Arts Council as an organisation for students? Or are we going to view the public promotions as opportunities to rip off members of the public to subsidise students, if this is, intact, the case?