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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 3. 15th March [1976]

Emotive Display

Emotive Display

Following him came Anthony Ward, who was the seconder of the original motion. For about the first minute he fairly roasted the meeting, saying how appalled he was at the reception given to Rae Mazengarb, and how we should trust our Exec. After calling us 'bloody stupid', he gave what struck me as being one of the most well-presented arguments I've heard (at least it did the first time through!).

He said that the Exec is not a great ego trip for its members but is there to run the Association smoothly for us, and needs our trust. He agreed that Mrs Goodall should have had the chance to defend herself on principle, but principles often come into conflict, and one has to be chosen above another, even though the other is important.

The Exec considered themselves in this position. On one hand the students of this Association have the right to an effective, functioning body, not split by internal divisions. On the other hand we have strong responsibilities to all our employees. Both of these principles were being threatened, and finally one was chosen above the other.