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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 3. 15th March [1976]

Secretary was Absent

Secretary was Absent

Following her came Peter Aagaard, the Association's secretary. He was absent from the Exec meeting when the decision to sack Mrs Goodall was made, and could only tell us of what he knew of her. He got along well with her, he said, working with her on housing accounts when he was accomodation officer. He felt that the personality of the office manager was more important than office efficiency. He wasn't aware of any tensions within the office, but said that one person cannot be expected to get along with everybody.

In his view, even though she was exceeding her office in hiring the telephonist, sacking her was pushing principles aside on grounds of expediency. Peter said that a vote of no confidence in the Exec would be a retrograde step. It was pointless putting one incident under the microscope and ignoring other parts of the Exec's working, such as the Bookshop, Trust Account, and general financial managing. Exec must go on!

Scott Wilson, Accomodation Officer, spoke next. He also was absent from the meeting, and was not in the office very often last year. Even so, his knowledge of Mrs Goodall's work, comprising mainly of seeing the financial accounts scribbled in pencil in a school exercise book, led him to support the Exec. If a vote of no confidence was passed, he said, he would resign.