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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue Number 11. 31 May 1976

'Another Letter We Forgot to Publish

'Another Letter We Forgot to Publish

Dear Sir,

If the demand for a commercial newspaper, eg Evening Post, is say 20,000 copies a day they do not go and print 30,000 copies. If so they're a pack of bloody idiots. In times of economic doom such wastage of paper, money, labour and other resources is not warranted, advisable or sensible.

So to get to the 'brief point I wish to make - "You overprint Salient". Salient is run "by the students for the students" with money granted from the students wallets by the "shooting gallery" of the Associations Executive. The Association should be very interested in the optimum allocations of its funds. The Rubbish Bags, the toilets and the tables of the Cafe are full of Salients which bears witness to the fact that supply far outstrips the demand for Salient. Not all students are interested in Salient.

When $2 out of $30.50 paid by each student goes to Sports and $2.25 goes to Salient (which is an over-budgeted piece of propaganda) this reflects the buggered-up priorities of the Association Executive.

Yours in writing-for once,

P. S. Bealastoki,

J. A. Martin,

Mike and Alexis Bugner.

A few matters need clearing up.

1)We produce one Salient per student, so that even if a student does not want to use the money he/she has contributed for publications, the opportunity is there.
2)The $2.25 publications grant covers the whole field of studass publications, not just the production of Salient.
3)Throughout the first term Salient conducted a recycling campaign. Used Salients were collected from the cafeteria and put out again for students to pick up and read. This way we can use our resources more efficiently - Ed.