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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Maybe I'm amazed?

Maybe I'm amazed?

Dear Sir,

I read with some amarement your article about Whitcoulls on the Salient of 4th April. If some students had been wronged this sort of reporting does little to help them.

A few points —
1.)Wilbur Manins was given little chance to defend himself. The paragraph that does refer to his reasons for his action is couched in such sarcasm it is obvious the writer started out assuming his actions were "no doubt. . . unjustifiable."

It is also stated that Whitcoulls is "in the business of making money out of students." and "have no real interest in the affairs of students." A few other emotional appeals thrown in to raise our hackles about their ability to extract a "guaranteed profit" from a "captive audience."

In evidence we are told they "stash away" some $54,000 a year. Which could mean anything from a cash balance to a net profit figure. One would think the size of the operation would also be of some relevance. In short, the $54,835 as stated is meaningless.

Further, faced with this power, students have no choice but to pay up. One would think they had contemplated paying for the books in the first place.

One begins to wonder if Whitcoulls must by definition be like this since they are capitalists. No evidence is needed.

3.)Of course staff are in on this too but we are not told the commission they are paid by Whitcoulls to "act as salesmen."

One gets the feeling one is being asked to believe something without really being told the evidence. It may be fruitful to contemplate why. If these students have been wronged a clear statement of the truth of the situation will be most helpful to them

Norman Hopkins.

Drawing of a gun being loaded