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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

The Film Reviewer Who Fell on His Head

The Film Reviewer Who Fell on His Head.

Reading David Beresford's review last week was a real science fiction treat. His far-out musing on metaphorical mutations of modern man and the multitudinous levels on which the movie "moved" were truly revealing to those of us whose feet fell to earth some time ago.

Really Mr Beresford the whole thing was quite simple. Ziggy was actually sent to earth not, as you mistakenly claim, to get some gas for their spare buggie, but was sent out to get some burgers for his Buddies. This explains much of the "unexplained" in the movie including Ziggie's preoccupation with housemaid Mary-Lou, who he understandably mistakes for a hamburger wrapped to go. Also explained is the need for the $333million 'cos with extraterrestrial inflation who knows what the fuck Ziggy thought hamburgers cost.

I wonder what the star suckers woulda thought of this movie without David Bowie's "well hung snow white tan" being touted at the box office. As for being a sociological stew, this movie more closely resembles a fetid stew of spew.

Besides it was boring and silly. (Why didn't I think of that in the first place?)
