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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Volume 40 Number 9. April 26 1977

China Trip 77

China Trip 77

Applications are now being called for members of the Student Delegation to the People's Republic of China. The tour leaves for China on Friday 10th July and returns on Sunday 31st July. During their stay in China the delegation will visit the following cities: Kwangchow, Peking, Shanghai, Changsha and Keveilin. The cost will be approximately NZ $1475 which includes international airfares Wellington/Hongkong return and accommodation, food, travel and translation service within China. NZUSA is arranging bank loans for those who need them.

The following criteria will be applied to candidates:
(1)Candidates need not be highly informed about, nor in ideological sympathy with Chinese society but they must be keen to learn about Chinese society and take an open-minded and honest approach towards China.
(2)Candidates should be willing and able to freely converse about the nature of New Zealand society.
(3)The Selection Committee will be looking for people who can cooperate with other members of the party and who are capable of making group decisions.
(4)Candidates should be willing and able to speak, write and generally share their impressions of the People's Republic of China on their return to New Zealand.
(5)Candidates should take an active interest in student life.
(6)Attendance at an orientation seminar shall be compulsory.

Candidates will be selected by an interviewing procedure. Every effort will be made for candidates with special interests, e.g. education, medicine, farming, etc, to visit areas of relevance to them.

Applications should deal with the selection criteria and should be sent to: The Chairman, China Selection Committee, P.O. Box 9047, Wellington.

All applications should be postmarked 2nd May or before. All applications will be dealt with in confidence.

For further information please contact The President, NZUSA, P.O. Box 9047. Wellington.