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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Volume 40 Number 9. April 26 1977

Radio Active — A Radio Active Presentation from VUWSA

Radio Active

A Radio Active Presentation from VUWSA.

Hi there, grubbers! This is Radio Active here calling to you there. Yeah, get a load of us amongst your kilo-herz, baby. Radio Active, the lively one, the big beam out of Victoria University. Boy, they didn't dare cut down the masts when our first test was played! We want you folks out there to know that we have applied for a temporary Medium Wave licence for the duration of $10 Deal. Hold onto your plugs and get a peeper at these proposals for the way we suggest you operate Radio Active during $10 Deal:
a]we want to use the station as an 'art-form' — out of our work together, we want to learn Just what radio is, just what kind of psychological changes we go through when we communicate through invisible space;
b]we will commission a taped, original continuing serial for the duration;
c]one length spot each day will provide up to the minute programme notes, entertainment from the festival itself, interviews with festival personalities, observations from disinterested citizens;
d]a real live production of a radio drama In a Wellington shop-window;
e]an original song to be taped ["The Dream of the $10 Deal"?];
f]broadcasts of programmes contributed by each campus radio station and guest spots for visiting deejays;
g]a learning exchange for deejays, scriptwriters, technicians and programmers.

As space and time are finite, we will operate on a first come, first served basis. So keep them post-cards coming in!