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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Assn. Volume 40 Number 12. May 30th 1977

Suggestions and Alternatives

Suggestions and Alternatives

(a)If there is a need to retain a form of language indicator such as Latos, then it should be a diagnostic process rather than a test of current proficiency.
(b)The possibility of establishing more summer English courses such as is undertaken by the English Language Institute at Victoria University, Wellington, should be looked at seriously so as to provide the necessary extra training, especially for those students not educated in the English medium.
(c)Considering that many overseas students already sit NZUE and Bursary and other English language university entrance exams, then those students who pass these, should not need to suffer the further ordeal and ignominy of a further English exam.
(d)In order to maintain and extend its educational aid commitment, New Zealand should perhaps look at the type and method of language courses offered by China, the USSR and the USA to foreign students who more likely than not speak not one word of the host language initially.