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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Assn. Volume 40 Number 12. May 30th 1977

A pointed order

page 16

A pointed order

Dear David,

As regards SRC meetings. Firstly I think it would be desirable to publish a full agenda for these meetings say 1 or 2 days before the meeting if possible. This also applies to SGMs. The point of this is that quite often students, or myself anyway, are unaware until after a meeting has started as to exactly what motions are to be discussed. Hopefully this will prevent motions being weasled through the meetings right at the end catching what few people are left napping. With particular reference to an Underwood/Cassidy motion several weeks ago which sought to increase their own honorariums; this was nearly weasled through with most people being unaware that it was even going to be discussed. Thank God someone moved the motion to hold an SGM to discuss the matter. This is the kind of railroad [unclear: tactic] which may be avoided if [unclear: the agenda] is made public beforehand.

Secondly. I have yet to see an SGM or SRC start at 12.00 as they are supposed to. Cannot Lindy Cassidy move a bit more quickly; after all, as Peter Gibbs has pointed out in his SRC write-ups in Salient, the agenda is rarely completed before 2 p.m. or before the quorum is no longer present. Take Wednesday 25th's SGM for example; it didn't start until 12.15. If It wasn't for the procedural motion which moved item 6 to item 3 on the agenda, the abortion question would not have been debated to the extent it was. As it happened 262 people voted right on 2 p.m. I wonder how many would have stayed had the other motions been dealt with first? As it was the other motions didn't get a chance as time prevented this. No doubt Mr Thrush and Co. will be pissed off that their honorariums haven't been increased. All I can say is that Lindy Cassidy is to blame for not opening the meeting at 12.00 as should happen.

That's about the end of my gripe for now so we'll see you at the next SRC at about 12.30.

Yours truly,

Gundtfartin arseholes

(P.S. Mr Murray: pertaining to the SGM on the 25th is it your usual tactic to snipe from the back of the hall or are you too gutless to get up the front and speak when it comes to something as important as the abortion issue which was being discussed then? Answer please!)

(Dear Mr Arseholes, as you will know if you attend SRC's and forums, it is my custom to throw suggestions and, when the need arises, insults from the back of the Hall. This increases audience participation, livens up the meeting and ensures that the meeting is not overly bored by a delivery from me on the rostrum — Ed.)