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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 13. June 5 1977

By-election imminent

By-election imminent

The VUWSA constitution states that if three resignations are received before the 1st June, a by-election must be held for all positions, whether vacant or not. Gerald's resignation directly followed that of WVP Catherine Paters on and that of the almost forgotten Mark Sainsbury, early in the year.

For three members of an executive totalling 10 people to resign is an obvious disappointment and raises the question of why such a lementable situation has occured. The first person to look at must be the leader of the Executive, Association President Lindy Cassidy. Lindy didn't feel that the resignations could be put down to any lack of success in her co-ordinating of the Exec. She thinks that as leader of the Exec. she has been reasonably successful. Lindy told me on May 30:

"I haven't the time to chase people up. I've tried very hard to get Exec. members involved in campaigns which I see as important to the Association. To get some of these people to join with you in a united campaign is very difficult. I think a lot of it lies in the (act that they often see themselves as merely administrators of the specific areas to which they have been entrusted to them. A lot of exec members take on their positions under the impression that it's a nice easy job that they can fit in with their varsity work. It is not. An Exec member if he/she is to do his/her duties properly is required to work very hard. Any person taking on a position on the executive must make a concious decision to put the Association first. Many do not and the resignations are the result".