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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 13. June 5 1977

Meet the Man

Meet the Man

Gerald had received a no-confidence vote from his own committee. The motion had been moved by fellow Exec member Andy Moore-Jones. Although reluctant to do such a thing Andy felt that on Gerald's performance he had to go. He suggested that Gerald was academically over-committed and failed to make a positive move in any direction.

The following day (May 31) I interviewed Gerald Sharrock. The reason he gave for the dramatic timing of his resignation was: "To precipitate a referendum on the abortion issue. It would also be more desirable to have a full by-election. The only mitigating circumstances against it are the cost and the time it takes. In terms of the cost it you have a refendum it will be incurred anyway".

It seems now that the referendum will not be held. The protagonist, Gerard Winter has since decided that the idea was not a good one and will therefore turn to other methods. So it appears, at this stage, that the main justification for the timing of his resignation and the forcing of a by-election has been removed. I asked Gerald if there was any political or emotional reasons behind the timing. "No. I've explained that I disagree with the decision (of the Cultural Affairs Comm.) but you've got to take the rough with the smooth".

The elections will be for the positions of Woman Vice president, SRC Co-Ord. and Cultural Affairs Officer. The present SRC co-ordinator (Andy Moore-Jones) is expected to stand in the election.