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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 22. September 5 1977

What students should do

What students should do

Come October and November nearly all of us will be entering the ranks of the workforce. The majority of us will enter working class occupations. What happens at this current round of wage negotiations will affect us deeply.

Even if our only motive is self-interest we should all attempt to take the following steps:
1.Help expose the 'social contract' for what it is—a 'social con-trick'. We should try to swing public opinion behind the legitimate demands of unions opposed to the 'social contract'.
2.We should continue to expose the growing restrictions on trade union activity—the anti-strike legislation and the compulsory /voluntary "unionism ballots. These are detailed in the NZUSA booklet "Labour's Leg Irons". These restrict ions are a major back up to the 'social contract'.
3.We should take an active interest in union affairs. We should take the trouble to investigate their side of the story in a dispute—and we should respect and stand by their decisions.

Student and Unionist.