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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 22. September 5 1977

DYF replies

DYF replies

Dear David,

In reply to Jane Connors report in Salient No 21 on the Democratic Youth Front's meeting held at Trades Hall on July 10, I would like to make the following comments.

The invitation for the meeting was extended through an advertisement in the Evening Post to all young and interested people. The fact that some Chilean parents brought their children is not really an issue Ken Douglas and Rob Campbell were invited to speak on Socialism in NZ and the need for a Democratic Youth movement. If Jane Connor was disturbed that questions on the Soviet Union in regard to NZ were not discussed at length, then I must point out that the theme of the meeting was to look at ways of building United action for socialism in NZ. Should Ms Connor consider facilitating such a forum to discuss this particular issue I'm sure there are many people willing to debate on our fishing industry. Rob Campbell in reply to the question of fishing did suggest that he was patriotic enough to hope for a State run fishing industry owned by the NZ people.

The challenge to debate China's position in relation to Chile was not accepted, but to be considered. I'm sure the gentleman concerned would agree with that. I would also point out that the screening of a Soviet film on Corvalan's life up to the time of the fascist coup was aimed to give some educational value; had there been a Chinese or USA film on the same subject we would have been happy to screen it.

Finally because the DYF does not get into a slinging match against the Soviet Union but prefers to work on a broad based United Front towards socialism does not mean we are anti-NZ.


Bernie O'Brien

for DYF.