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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978


It's after Easter and although the Recreation Centre is not exactly in full swing it does sway a bit. Parts swaying in the breeze, parts swaying in time to the the steady hum of the exercycles in full flight. What are these legendary exercycles about which we have so much?

For those of you who don't particularly like running or are fine weather joggers or are too small or light in body weight to tackle Wellington's winds, then the exercycle could be for you. The recreation centre has at present four exercycles and there may well be more in the future. They are readily available and all that you need do is hop on and pedal.

For how long and at what speed is up to you, but in general a good working principle is to do at least three 20 minute steady rides per week That means get on and pedal at a speed which you find comfortable for 20 minutes. You can easily read whilst riding and it has been known for people to take notes at the same time. Sweat

With the advent of the Winter sports season the seasonal rash of sports injuries is starting to appear. If you have not been to a Doctor with the injury come and see us and we might be able to offer you the right advice or give you a remedial programme to get you back to playing fitness.

"It's the putting right that counts." (We did not originate that expression.) Our putting right room is the new Clinic which is Based next to the Old Gym and will be the place for fitness testing, repairing, relaxation and so on.

As work builds up through this term don't forget that you do need a break, so get yourself down to the Centre for beginners Badminton Tuesday 10-11 am., Friday 10-11 am., or Fridays at 12 noon. Unfortunately until the building is complete the Yoga classes are held in the Smoking room in the Union. Beginners' Squash on Monday afternoons still has a couple of vacancies. If you want to know more then ask Jan at Reception.

The M.E.D. has finally got the main cable in, so our whole operation including the hire system can get itself going properly. We are sorry for the long delay but there was really very little we could do about it. Still no word on the lockers yet but they aren't more than about a couple of weeks away.

Ten sessions of Relaxation . . . Starting on Tuesday, 14th April, from 4 pm. to 5 pm. These ten sessions are designed as an introduction to using relaxation as a method of relieving tension. In conjunction with this course will be voluntary participation in a PhD. study on the effects of relaxation on physiological and psychological response, Based on a series of tests before and after the course.

This aspect of the course is entirely voluntary and does not affect the structure of the course. If you are interested then give Diana Jones or David Thrall a ring at the Recreation Centre or 721—000 ext. 2824 for Diana and 845-599 for David.