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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky

There were two more items of note. Everyone is pretty pissed off at the attitude of the Catering Management towards their job. The restaurant has been struggling bravely on all year with poor attendances, yet although it fulfills an obvious need the general outlook is not "We must make this work," but "It'll have to go." Last week attendances actually started to pick up so the place closed early. The reason? Not enough food. There's going to be a big stink soon if something doesn't happen.

Just before this came up Cassidy gazed into the distance and began talking about the way the university is expanding away from the Student Union Building. (That enormous concrete slab by the bike park isn't a runway for the Vice Chancellor's private plane, it's the start of a new building).

MAIN INTERNATIONAL HALL WITH WORSHIPPING CARRELS level 3 ELEVATION WEST Remember the Chapel? well that was nothing...

Thrush and Underwood came to the rescue with the exciting piece of news that the university architects (Kingston, Reynolds, Thom and Allardice, the people who brought you most of the scenic delights around campus) have a colour drawing in their office of an extension to link the recreation centre with the SUB. As well as the aforementioned swimming pool it contains tennis courts and an administrative tower. Building on top of the theatre has always been intended, but that's an insignificant part of this plan.

Back to earth, Underwood reckoned there were ways of enhancing the present building, like (you guessed it) a pub. If the restaurant proves viable enough to keep open this is quite on the cards, so watch out.

There's one thing about that architectural proposal: have they forgotten what Salient went to some pains to discover and reveal last year, that they're going to build a chapel thereabouts... ?

Simon Wilson