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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Methodical Preparations

Methodical Preparations

The true situation has been revealed by a progressive American journalist, Dan Connell, who recently returned from a six month visit to the liberated zones of Eritrea. Writing in the "Guardian" (29-3-78) Connell reveals the methodical preparations for the invasion of Eritrea.

"According to EPLF, more than 2,000 Cuban combat troops have been airlifted into the beseiged Eritrean capital of Asmara and a series of bases are being constructed under Soviet supervision in the northern Ethiopian province of Tigre.

"In a major battle March 14—16, some 10,000 Ethiopian troops were turned back when they attempted to break out of Asmara and crush the EPLF encirclement. EPLF sources claimed 1500 Ethiopian troops were killed in the clash.

"Cuban officials have in the past denied any intention of becoming directly involved in Eritrea, but an EPLF spokesman says that Cuban soldiers were active in the battle.

Photo of men with guns

EPLF fight [unclear: e] to assault Massawa naval base in late December.

"In support of the campaign against Eritrea, day and night construction work has been proceeding on an airstrip for Ethiopia new Soviet-supplied MIG jet fighters in the Tigre capital of Makele, 60 miles south of the Eritrean border, with Soviet Antanov-12 supply planes ferrying in materials and equipment from Addis-Ababa.

"Supply bases for the Ethiopian move north are being built in the cities of Gondar and Axum. An airstrip is also being set up to accommodate light reconaissance planes on the Dahlak islands off the Eritrean coast, and army, navy and air force bases are being erected in the Eritrean port of Assah."