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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Anti-Cutback Campaign

Anti-Cutback Campaign

Such anomalies were recognised by most of the overseas students and the issue was boiling throughout the country. Although there had been individual campus effort fighting the cutbacks, it was uncoordinated, weak and ineffective.

However, when the International Student Congress (ISC) was convened in Wellington in May 1977, with attendance of about 300 overseas students, NOSAC was formed to launch the Anti-Cutback Campaign.

With the concerted effort of both the New Zealand people and overseas students it has gained the full support of the seven University Councils and numerous public organisations. This can be seen as the first step of achieving the ultimate goal of lifting the cutbacks. However difficult the future campaign may be there stands a chance if we strive hard, for truth is on our side.