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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Save Unity Campaign

Save Unity Campaign

On the 23rd of April Unity Theatre is launching a "Save Unity Campaign" which will run till May 25. The aim of the campaign is to raise as quickly as possible $2,500 to put Unity back on its feet.

Unity will be launching the campaign with a "Save Unity" Party on April 23 at 7 p.m. to which all those interested in the future of Unity Theatre are invited. This is followed on May 6 & 7 by a revue, "A Night of It", starting at 8 o'clock; door sales only.

Following, on May 12, 13 and 14, is a marathon of marathons, a fifty-hour nonstop performance of Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter! Sponsors are welcome, and sponsorship forms are available from the Treasurer, Ph 787—776.

Unity Theatre was formed 37 years ago and has provided the city of Wellington with an opportunity for amateur casts to perform in many of the classics and in many many exciting new productions, at a professional standard. It is one of the few outlets for amateur theatre remaining in central Wellington, and as such provides a much-needed springboard for actors, actresses, directors, technicians, etc. to learn and polish the basics of their crafts.

If, as many people contend, theatre can and often does fulfil an important role in New Zealand culture, then it would be a loss for all should Unity cease to play its own unique part.

Ewen Upston