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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Rights and Duties

Rights and Duties

Dear Sir,

The most unfortunate aspect of the current abortion controversy is that people don't stop to think what issues are at stake. There is only one questions that needs to be asked: Is the foetus a human being? If the answer is no there can be no possible objection to abortion.

If the answer is yes, there can be no justification for abortion (except in the virtually theoretical danger to the mother's life.) Therefore I ask you and your readers to reflect on this question objectively and sincerely.

Another fallacy is the putting together of abortion, contraception and sterilisation. The latter are two separate issues. Contraception and sterilisation are moral matters for the individual to decide and nobody has the right to impose their views on these issues. However, if you answer the above question about the status of the foetus in the affirmative, you not only have the right but the duty to intervene to protect that

Yours sincerely,
