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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 9. April 24 1978

Better off Unemployed?

Better off Unemployed?

An interesting point was raised from the floor to the effect that if a student decided to leave varsity and was not lucky enough to get a job, they would recieve $44 in unemployment; whereas, if s/he opted for another year at varsity, the government would cut back the allowance to $26 if they were lucky.

Brill, rather taken-a-back by the suggestion, reiterated yet again that it was not the government's role to support tertiary education to the extent of granting students bursaries they could live on. Although firms like Tasman Pulp and Paper have virtually all their expenses paid in the way of roading, electricity and waste disposal by the government, and pay next to no tax in return plus the additional benefit of having the government sorting out their industrial troubles for them, students, whose long term contribution to the country is undoubtedly greater, get sweet all for the privilege of attending university.