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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 10. May 15 1978

Otari Native Plant Museum

Dear Mr. Norman,

Otari Native Plant Museum

Thank you for your letter dated 20th April 1978.

I share your concern about the statements made in the local newspapers regarding the Otari Native Plant Museum and some suggestion that Council intended to cut a major roadway through the area.

I know that both the Chairman of the Works Committee and the Town Clerk have both made statements on this issue in the hope of allaying fears and I am able to give you an unqualified assurance that there is no intention on the part of the Council to cut such a roadway through this area.

The Council, of course, is looking at landfills for the future in the area on the western side of the Wilton hills and there is a problem of access. I am satisfied beyond any doubt, however, that access to this area can be obtained without intruding upon out Otari Native Plant Museum.

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Fowler
