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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 21. August 28 1978

Solutions to Last Week's Crossword:

Solutions to Last Week's Crossword:

Across: 1. Massey 4. Kissed 7. Remainder 9. Ewer 10. Zero 11. Knelt 13. Precis 14. Yelled 15. Priest 17. Sling 19. Kitty 20. Bans 22. Isle 23. Steam-bath 24. Corpse 25. Enmesh

Down: 1. Makeup 2. Seer 3. Yearns 4. Kindly 5. Suez 6. Devoid 7. Redesigns 8. Replenish 11. Kiosk 12. Telly 15. Public 16. Tirade 17. Stable 18. Sleuth 21. Step 22. Item