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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 23. September 11 1978



Good solid meat, spuds and peas. New Zealanders are like nomads, choosing to live in a desert when good arable land surrounds them, because their fathers did it that way. The possibilities of sampling foods from other cultures and earlier days is better than ever before, even on a restricted diet (hardline vegetarinas can also miss out here, although vegetarians generally have a more varied diet than meat mainliners).

Beans are a cheap source of high protein that are well worth experimenting with. If you get serious a second-hand pressure cooker is invaluable, cutting preparation times by hours.

The two vegetarian recipes this week have been supplied by Rob Cook and Richard Parfitt (thanks!)

Vegie Pie Crust

  • 2 cups wholemeal flour,
  • 2 oz butter, and a sprinkle of salt

Rub butter in well and then slowly add water, a little at a time and mix it in until you have a damp dough (not too wet of else it will stick to your hands. Knead for a minute or so, till well mixed and is firm, roll out to about ¼ cm thick and spread on a greased tray and bake for about 10 minutes at 360 F. Then add a variety of steamed spiced vegies and grated cheese on top and bake again to melt cheese - paprika sprinkled on top is really nice.

Soy Loaf or Bean Casserole

  • 2 cups Soy beans or Broad beans
  • 1 cup diced carrots or parsnips
  • ½ cup diced celery
  • ¼ cup bread crumbs
  • Salt, pepper, fresh herbs (if available)
  • Tomatoes or tomatoe sauce
  • ½ cup grated cheese
  • 1 egg

Cook up beans and mash lightly, cook up vegies and mash also. Add breadcrumbs and lightly beaten egg, seasoning, herbs, tomatoes or sauce. Place in buttered baking dish, top with grated cheese, cook in 350 F oven for about 15 minutes.

This is a very basic recipe which can be varied considerably but keeping beans as a base. Onions, garlic or green peppers in lieu of carrots and celery are a good substitute.

Alfred Harris