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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 3. March 12 1979

Stocking Up

Stocking Up

The last major link between Vietnam and the Soviet Union, and perhaps the most important one is military. According to "The Australian" (17.2.79) the Russians have dramatically stepped up arms shipment to Vietnam. Approximately every fortnight since last September Russian ships laden with the latest military equipment have been arriving at Vietnamese ports.

The usual Soviet trick is to unload outdated and obsolete equipment onto its client states — Somelia and Egypt were two good examples before the Russians were booted out of both countries. However. Vietnam has been supplied with the very latest hardware. These include the latest Surface to Air Missiles (SAM's), rocket launchers, self propelled guns, and an awesome display of military aircraft equal to that sold to any Soviet client state outside the Warsaw Pact. The latest MiG 25 and 27's and Su 7's. The most advanced lighter China has are MiG 21's.

Vietnam is also said to have been supplied chemical gas, and deadly anti-personell weapons by the Soviet Union. The infamous "cluster - bombs" were reported to have been used in the invasion of Kampuchea.

David Murray

Photo of a soldier next to a missile