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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 3. March 12 1979

Tertiary Bursary — Special Hardship Allowance

Tertiary Bursary — Special Hardship Allowance

In certain circumstances the Department of Education will pay a Special Hardship Allowance of up to $7 per week to students who are already in receipt of the Unabated Tertiary Bursary.

To qualify for this Special Hardship Allowance, students must be able to show that their ability to save money over the Summer vacation was impaired because they were unable to find a job for part or all of the vacation or because of some other circumstances beyond their control.

Students who wish to apply for the Special Hardship Allowance should contact Mrs Mildred Brown, Accommodation Officer, 6 Kelburn Parade, to obtain an application form and to discuss the evidence required to support their application.

Students who are receiving the Abated Tertiary Bursary who wish to apply on grounds of hardship to have their abated bursary increased to the unabated rate, should see Miss Daphne Dawbin, Liaison Officer, at 34 Kelburn Parade.

Students who have already had their abated bursary increased to the unabated rate, do not need to make a further application for the Special Hardship Allowance of up to $7 per week.

I.H. Boyd

Director of Student Welfare Services