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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 5. March 26 1979

Students Arts Festival

Students Arts Festival

Tickets to the festival are soon to be available and to sell at $15. This is an [unclear: all] price for all Arts Festival Events, with [unclear: o] tickets for social events (very cheap) to purchased, as required, on the [unclear: Christc] Campus.

Vincent Burke NZSAC Chairperson [unclear: n] addressed the CA Committee and the [unclear: VU] Executive. Along with John Page (the [unclear: fee] director) who accompanied him, he [unclear: expl] that there are no funds available to [unclear: set] performers to Christchurch in May. "[unclear: This] places an important responsibility upon Victoria campus to ensure that funding [unclear: i] lable to send our performers to [unclear: Christc] in May".

At outlined already considerable [unclear: fund] projects are being planned and [unclear: underta] the beleif of the Cultural Affairs [unclear: Comm] the students of Victoria will support [unclear: these] not only to help the Arts, but also for [unclear: the] will be a part of most of the events.