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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 6. April 2 1979


Suddenly throughout New Zealand, campuses are presenting Revues again, interest in Otago is picking and they will be putting on a large scale production this year, Victoria has established a Revue club that aims to ensure that the Revue on their campus is an ongoing thing. Both Auckland and Massey are presenting Revues.

Revues throughout their long history have been a major training ground for performers, writers, directors and such like in theatre and television and provide a unique opportunity for the presentation by students of major production. Such persons as John Clarke, Dave Smith, Michael Wilson, and Downstage Director John Banas were all associated with the Victoria Revues in the past.

British University Revues perform a similar function, in particular Oxbridge which has seen the development of the Monty Python team the Goodies, Rutland Weekend Television, David Frost and so on..........Student Revues allow students to indulge their cynicism, comment on current issues, and bring a few politicians to early retirement. The public has come to realise that Student Revues are first class satirical and musical entertainment.

Otago, Victoria, Massey and Auckland Universities will be bringing Revues of varying length to the Festival.