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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 6. April 2 1979

The Boot on the Other Frot

The Boot on the Other Frot

Dear Sir,

As a member of the Executive I would like to chunder over the wankers in this office in my full (and very tight - oh how so tight!) capacity, and my full incapacity.

I would also like to condone our President for his latest move of initiative:—

Legalising Frottage!

It is about time someone stood up and took a stance (preferably a Frotting stance) and took this very important, emotional issue in todays society.

Again, I would like to call all Frotters of the world together, and let them stand behind our most revered President.

Yours Frotting.

I. Frot