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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 6. April 2 1979

re Troubles for a Troubled Country

[unclear: re] Troubles for a Troubled Country

[unclear: The] first visit of Western journalists to [unclear: "new"]Kampuchea has just occured and [unclear: ording] to a BBC foriegn correspondent, [unclear: situation] for the Vietnamese invasion [unclear: ce] is becoming increasingly difficult.

[unclear: The] Hanoi puppet government is having [unclear: success] in administering the country, [unclear: n] in the cities, which were formerly the [unclear: places] they controlled, the population [unclear: ecoming] so impoverished that the pup[unclear: government] can only rule by shipping [unclear: nassive] amounts of grain from Vietnam.

[unclear: They] control practically none of the [unclear: n] agricultural areas where the bulk of [unclear: Kampuchean] people live. In fact the [unclear: cultural] network is still exporting rice, [unclear: ordinated] by the Khymer Rouge, through [unclear: iland]. The Vietnamese troops are based [unclear: utlying] areas, having acute supply prob[unclear: s] because of a breakdown in transport[unclear: en] links.

According to the French paper "Le Monde" the invading troops have abandoned doing military sweeps of rural areas as it was proved too expensive in losses. They now concentrate on holding small provincial centres, with difficulty;