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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 9. May 14 1979

No Faith in SRC

No Faith in SRC

Tees has this year adopted an attitude of disregard for the SRC, he believes it to be "controlled by a sectarian minority that is not representative of true student opinion." In his President's column we are regularly told about how SRC consists of the PSA political heavies. Tees has yet to explain how an organisation of 20 or 30 can run an SRC of 200 or 300, but then again, from his point of view, that's not necessary. He just wants to be able to use the PSA as an organisation he can use to assist him in a little "red-baiting". Indeed, red-baiting is probably the only argument that he could use to defend himself. No-one is particularly likely to defend him on the basis of the work that he has done.

The Executive took an interesting position at its last meeting (shortly after the motion calling for the SGM had been passed, when it agreed to pay the President's fare to the International Students' Congress (ISC) in Auckland. As the SRC was clearly not happy about sending Tees to represent them at NZUSA'S May Council, I wonder why the Executive thought that it would be happy to have him representing it at the ISC.

It is not yet clear where this money for Tees' trip came from, but it if came from the S300 that SRC allocated for assisting the travel of students who wished to attend, the Executive will have some quests ions to answer. It is highly unlikely that the SRC would have intended $34 of the $300 to be spent on transporting Tees to the ISC.