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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 16. July 16 1979


page 15


[unclear: C] Dance Theatre

[unclear: ere] is still some room in all dance classes. The [unclear: ck] and Roll dances from Greaag are being [unclear: ght] on Mondays 6.30 - 7.30 to gat some pract [unclear: in] before the end of term 50's hop.

[unclear: nday] 5.30 - 6.30 Technique (Modern)
[unclear: nday] 6.30 - 7.30 Rock n' roll
[unclear: esday] 4-5 Technique (Modem)
[unclear: dnesday] 10 11.30 4-5 5 - 6.30 Paul Jenden teaches these clases. Cost $2.50 per term. Relax, extend create.

[unclear: ng] 738-566 ext. 72 (or further information

Respectable Wedding

[unclear: e] German Department presents Die Klein [unclear: rger] hochzeit (The Respectable Wedding), [unclear: performance] in German.

[unclear: iday] 20 and Saturday 21 July in the Memor-[unclear: Theatre]. Tickets at the door: Students [unclear: c]. Others $1.00. Starts at 8.30 p.m.

Progressive Student Alliance

— Should the Salient Editor be elected by General ballot?

— Do we want a system of referenda?

Meeting to discuss the coming S.G.M. called to resolve these issues. Monday July 16 12.00 Smoking Room.

Also Forum Thursday July 19 Lounge.

With representatives from
  • Public Service Association
  • National Union of Railwaymen
  • Coachworkers' Union

To speak on recant disputes and give their views on the education cuts.

All welcome.


There will be a Radioactive meeting to discuss the coming broadcast this Wednesday 18th at 5.00 p.m. in the Smoking Room.

Mandarin Film

Title: The Victory (Mei Mua)
Date: 23rd July, Monday
Time: 8.00 p.m.
Place: Memorial Theatre.

Another WMSA presentation. This is the first of a series of mandarin films that will be screened fortnightly (hopefully weekly too). This film is backed by the famous lyrics "Mei Hue" sung by Liu Chia Chang. English Subtitles. Admission at door. All are welcome.

Gay University Group

The group is holding its next social on Sunday 22nd of July at 2.00p.m.

Our group consists of gay people, female and male students and staff so if you are out, or in the process of coming out, and would like to meet other gay people like yourself for a change then why not come along and join us.

The group thanks its previous hosts for their kind hospitality and their excellent afternoon tea.

For information ring.

Sharleen 721 111

Ken 721 167

Trevor 862 449

That is not to say that the Society has relinquished its role as arbiter of the extremes and the voice of reason. It is just that our style has changed.

These days, confronted by the self-righteous excesses of both left and right, the approach is similar to that of Tolstoy, who, when asked if he did see a difference between reactionary repression and revolutionary repression, replied that there was, of course, a difference: "the difference between cat shit and dog shit."

The Society has room for all tastes and abilities. Speeches used to be required to be short, witty and to the point. While such a style still has its place, we now permit (in response to enormous public demand), rhetorical harangues, cha racier assassination, slander and a liberal sprinkling of obscenities. Streaking, however, is not permitted. The rules are flexible. (But at [unclear: adi] times remember Rule number one - Be ruthless in your superficiality.) The trick is to hunt for the bon mot, this gets maximum points. Also favoured are name dropping, sly illusions to convey your historical erudition and above all to somehow find a way of comparing your opponent to Hitler (it's so much more refined than actually stooping to overt abuse.)

Topics range from trivia and religion to intellectuals, politics and sex and are given good coverage. Older members however have noticed a lamentable decline in the quality of the latter in more recent years.

Thus we extend a warm welcome to all interested students. Our range of activities is broad. We offer lunchtime amusement in the form of debates in the Union Hall on humourous topics and recently sent our two best debaters on a two and a half month tour of the United States. We debate other universities at an annual championship and at another level offer debates with teams from down-town (similar in formal to inter-secondary school competitions). We also have small-scale debates for those who are still grappling with speaking in public; and clubnights for special events and general socialising.

But above all we welcome the cast of thousands. All debates are open for students to attend, listen and participate. Student audiences ace known and loved for their illiteracy and vulgarity. This year has proved to be no exception.

If you are interested in joining or just curious, please contact:
Leslie BrownTWA 6516
David Linney758-894

or come along to any of our advertised events.