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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1953

Women's Committee

Women's Committee

Pamela Beck

Pamela is a second-year part-time arts student, previously at Training College She is Social Committee Treasurer. Ski Club Secretary, and a member of the Miniature Rifles Club committee and Women's Indoor Basketball Committee. Last year she represented Vic In miniature rifles at the Winter Tournament She has attended Congress and helped With make-up in this year's Extrav.

Pam feels that the College, at present very dead, wants livening up in order to develop needed corporate spirit. In particular, with her social committee experience. She wants to explore every avenue lending to an increase in student participation at dances and in social functions.

Nominator: K. B. O'Brien.

Seconders; Elaine Foote and D. B. G. McLean

Marie Bennett

A Third-year arts student. Marie has been on
1.The flying trapeze:
2.The scenic railway:
3.The elephant at the zoo.

She is a very keen member of the Drama and French Clubs and E.U., and Is interested in the Glee and Madrigal Clubs, and the Music Society.

Her policy:—
1.Bigger mirrors and adequate lighting in the women's cloakrooms
2.Institution of a sick-bay. This would eliminate the principal argument against turning the women's Common Room into an excellent Common Common Room, handy to the Caf. She considers a sick-bay a necessity.
3.Fostering staff-student relationships.
4.Getting a Stud. Ass. building soon.

Nominator: F. L. Curtin.

Seconders: Valmai Butt and Elaine Foote.

Judith Goodman

Judith, a third-year arts student, has taken a varied and active intercut in student affairs. She has played interclub table tennis and is an Indispensable member of the Drama Club. She was instrumental in founding the Women's Cricket Club, and is at present a committee member.

Judy proposes to urge the improvement of the women's cloakroom and the repellant area beyond: also hopes to ensure the heating of the College [unclear: r] five p.m. voted "Miss More-Then-Prompt." 1953.

We are confident that Judy will live up to this title.

Proposer: Ken Phillips.

Seconders: Bill Sheat and Anne Tarrant.

Diana Lescher

Diana, a full-time arts student is a member of the outgoing Executive, having been co-opted early this year. She has represented V.U.C. at Winter and Easter Tournaments in drama and athletics. Attended Congress this year and participated in Extrav.: committee member of the Indoor Basketball Club. an active member of the Hockey, Tennis, Athletics, Drama. Debating, and French Clubs, and the Chairman-convener of the Social Committee.

A member of the recently formed committee for investigation into the standard of sport at V.U.C, Diana feels that better sporting facilities together with the reintroduced travel subsidies would do much to help V.U.C. Tournament teams to victory.

Nominator: Anne Tarrant.

Seconders: M. J. O'Brien and K. M. Phillips.

Marjorie Munro

Marjorie is a third-year student. She has taken both science and arts units and can admit to a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the present problems of both these faculties. The clubs of which she is an active member are the Debating Club, the tramping Club, and the Socialist Club, and she is a committee member of this last. Extrav. has seen a lot of Marjoric these last few years, and she is a member of "Salient" staff.

Marjoric pledges her support in all activities which have to do with the welfare of students, in particular, the better organisation of student affairs, and such matters as the desired increase in bursaries. She wants to see the Student Union building project got under way, and in general, offers her support to any move that will help in the battering of sporting and cultural facilities.

Nominator: A. G. Tarrant.

Seconders: L. B. Robinson and Anne Olsen.

Melda O'Reilly

Melda is in her fourth year at Vic. She has shown herself an enthusiastic and hard worker for many causes. In Extrav. she took parts In 1950, 1951 and 1953 under her professional name of Mrs Bag-wash.

Currently Treasurer of the Debating Society, and last year on the committee, she it is who wheedles 3d from everyone for supper.

On the Social Committee of the Catholic Student's Guild, she has been a keen worker.

If elected she does not promise wonders—just a sound, common-sense approach to all student problems—we all know what they are—the Caf., the Common Rooms. Bursaries, etc.

Nominator: Bill Sheat.

Seconders: Dave Crowe and Gavin Yates.

B. A. (Paddy) Todd

In the short time that Paddy has been here she has interested herself in many activities. Since Exec, appointed her as "Salient" advertising manager she has made a success of a thankless task which no one else would accept. A prominent member of the prize winning procession float and helped with programmers during Extrav.

Paddy combines a full-timer's enthusiasm with the experience of one who has worked in the city. She supports the furtherance of all permanent improvements such as Te Aro Park, and the Ski Hut. Energy and willingness to work—Indispensable executive qualities have, been tried and proved.

Nominator: P. M. McCaw.

Seconders: Janet Young and P. D. Chatwin.

Margaret Thom

Peggy is a full time student and takes a ready interest in all aspects of student life. She is Assistant Editor of "Salient." Secretary of the Historical Society, and on the committee of the Debating Club, She is a keen member of the Drama Club. Chess Club and S.C.M. in Extrav, Peggy worked wonders backstage with costumes and makeup.

Her policy includes:—
1.An Investigation of cafeteria facilities. (She has wide experience of catering duties.)
2.The appointment of a student Liaison Officer at enrolment to help students in choosing extra-curriculum activities.
3.Any plans which will tend towards the improvement of student life.

Nominator: I. L. Free.

Seconders: F. L. Curtin and M. J. O'Brien.

Shirley Thompson

Shirley, who is a second-year science student, has shown by her enthusiasm and keenness in many branches of University life that she is very well qualified for a position on the Exec.

In the Athletic Club, of which she is women's representative, a marked revival of interest in women's athletics was due directly to her initiative and hard work. She also played a prominent part this year in reinstating the Inter-Faculty sports as an important function of the University year.

Although only in her second year at Victoria. Shirley has already represented the college at two N.Z.U. Tournaments—Winter. 1952. Indoor Basketball, and Easter. 1953. where she had the distinction of representing it both in outdoor basketball (Club Treasurer. 1953) and athletics Other activities are S.C.M., Biological Society. Tennis. Procesh., and Extrav.

Nominator: K. M. Phillips.

Seconders: w. s. Ramaon and p. D. Cullinane.

Audrey Wellwood

Audrey is a third-year student who hopes to complete a B.A. degree tills year. She has taken an active interest in various Vanity activities, including the tennis. French and hockey clubs, She has been secretary of the latter for the last two years, and in this year captain of the senior team. She has represented Victoria in hockey at the 1951 and '52 Winter Tournaments, and in tennis in the 1952 and '53 Summer Tournaments and has had a "Varsity hockey Blue since 1951. As an inmate of a hostel she is particularly interested in improving and extending hostel facilities.

Nominator: Elaine Foote.

Seconders: T. W. Turner and P. D. Chatwin.

Mary Williment

Mary is a full-time science student majoring in chemistry. She has wide interests ranging from cultural to sporting activities. She has held various administrative positions on College clubs committee member table tennis club 1952 and 1953; committee member outdoor basket-hall 1952 Other interests include tramping and music. In this year's Extrav. she was a conscientious and reliable backstage worker. Mary is in favour of any proposals that would improve general student facilities and in particular the lacker accomodation available to women students.

Nominator: F. L. Curtin.

Seconders: A. D. Robinson and B. V. Galvin.