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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 8

Life Insurance

Life Insurance.

I deem it my duty to call the attention of the Grand Lodge to the several communications on the subject of "life insurance," "endowments," or "enlarged funeral benefits," as the matter is referred to under these several heads by Grand Secretaries. It is asserted that new institutions possessing the feature of assuring by the Grand or Supreme Body, to the family of a member, a stipulated sum in the event of his death, are making serious inroads upon the ranks of the Order. The failure of a number of incorporated life insurance companies has doubtless given an impetus to insurance of this character, as members who have suffered by the collapse of the companies to which they had contributed for years, believe their interests are safer in such institutions as our Order than in the hands of corporations that have too frequently proved unworthy of confidence.

The remarks of the Grand Secretaries of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ontario, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, deserve careful examination and consideration.