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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 12

Statement of the Views of the League

Statement of the Views of the League.

It was soon found that considerable misunderstanding existed in the mind of the public, respecting the views of the League, even page 3 among some who had at first occupied a prominent position in its formation. Some thought we should endanger our success if we openly professed Protection principles, and that we ought to proceed in some undefined way without challenging opposition. The League, however, considered that an open straightforward course was the safest and best to adopt; if it was opposed, they had sufficient confidence in their principles to defend them. They therefore drew up and published a "Statement of their views," early in January, 1872, and sent it round to the various Highway Boards. No valid objections have been raised against this "Statement;" it may be considered, therefore, that the fear of opposition was groundless. At any rate misunderstandings disappeared, and were heard of no longer. Some remaining copies were subsequently transmitted to John Williamson, Esq., M.H.R., at Wellington; he laid the Statement on the table of the House, and circulated some copies among the members. Mr Williamson soon telegraphed for a larger supply, but unfortunately there were none left. In order to preserve this paper as a standing explanation of the views of the League, it is printed in the appendix to this Report.

The League express their thanks to Mr Williamson, for the interest and trouble which he has taken in forwarding their objects, and also especially for a copy of Hansard debates, which he procured for the use of the League.