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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 13

A Model Circle

A Model Circle.

It consists of six friends, half of whom are male, half female, and one person (male or female indifferent) who is an already developed medium.

One of the gentlemen present has some magnetic power, and rather a positive will. A second is good, gentle, and kind—stout in person and very healthful, but not remarkable for intellect. The third is small, acute, observing—enthusiastic and disposed to literature.

One of the ladies is very quiet, gentle, and passive, of fair complexion, and matronly healthful organism. The second, active, shrewd, inquisitive, and dark haired. The third a writer or musician, and very sensitive, not strong in frame, yet not sickly. These persons are friends, and always in harmonious relation with each other. They each love Spiritualism, and are candid seekers for truth. They have special opinions, but except the two gentlemen, No. 1 and 3, and the lady, No. 3, have 110 very marked and positive characters.

These last three feel that "they do not know everything," and desirous to learn, they seek the spirit circle for instruction, the others chiefly from love of Spiritualism. They meet once a-week, at eight in the evening—lock the door, and neither admit others nor answer knocks. They always retain the same places at the same table; close their sittings at ten exactly, and commence and open the meeting with a sweet hymn, or spiritual song. page 7 They converse pleasantly, asking for their spirit friends when they meet—never seek for anything special to themselves, except they first state their wishes to all the circle, and obtain their consent—knowing that a strong though unexpressed wish or feeling on the part of one member of the circle will become a sharp positive angle of magnetism, which will obstruct and perhaps neutralize the rest of the phenomena.

They never if possible absent themselves from the circle, regarding it as a high and sacred privilege to commune with spirit friends. They never introduce strangers at the circle, unless the spirits desire it, or leave is first asked and obtained of the circle and the spirits.